Sunday, February 27, 2011

Chapter 7 SG

Chapter 7Communication- Groups*

Small groupcommon purposeorganization, membership, communicationcommunication varies among groups (formal- casual)*

Types:formal (task oriented, legislative, restricted membership, Congress- Gov't)

advisory (task specific, best outcome focused, restricted membership, Committees- Boards)creative (evaluation/ creation, lacking structure, invited membership, Brainstorm- Project)support (comfort/ advice, sharing, voluntary membership, AA- support groups)networking (relationship build/ sustain, undefined membership, chatroom- Facebook)

Give specific examples of the small groups you have been a part of. What kind will it be in this class?? (179-181)*

Formation of Groups:*

Forming: initial gathering*

Storming: creative process- goals*

Norming: define purpose, roles, procedures*

Performing: demonstrates goal*

Adjourning: end of interactions*

Orientation: getting to know one another*

Conflict: argument about approaching problem*

Emergence: consensus starts*

Reinforcement: consolidates consensus to finish project

What are your experiences with these formations?

Which path would you rather take? Why?? (182)*

Group Features: (185- 197)*

Togetherness (interdependence, division of labor)*(cohesiveness, teamwork)*

Expectations (group norms, group sanctions- punishment, culture)*

Leadership (formal power- designated leader, informal power- liking based)*task oriented vs. socioemotional leadership*

Decision Making (voting, consensus, straw polls, mandates etc.) (promotive- move toward goal, disruptive- diverts from goal, and counteractive comm- back on track.)

What would seem like the optimal outline of these features for your small group in this class? Why? What would be the most detriminal outline of these features...why?

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