Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Chapter 3 Study Guide

Chapter 3 Notes:

Nonverbal communication is everything that communicates a message sans words.
Elements: kinesics (movement), proxemics (space), vocalics (voice), chronemics (time), haptics (touch)
What are some specific examples? What is backchannel comm, turn taking?(54/ 65-76)

Decoding: drawing meaning from an observation ( he smiles: “he is happy”), Encoding: sending meaning through nonverbal behavior ( I smile: “ I am happy”)
Where do we derive these meanings? (55)

Static: fixed elements of an interaction (furniture arrangement), Dynamic: changing elements of an interaction (posture)
How can these elements negatively affect an interaction? Positively affect it? (55-56)

Nonverbal guidelines:
symbolic: polysemic
rule guided: appropriateness of behavior
culturally bound: elements
personal: context
ambiguous: interpretative
less controlled: (leakage)
continuous: non- stop communication
What is “leakage”? Do you agree that non-verbal is less controlled than verbal comm? (60)

Nonverbal functions:
interconnects with verbal comm. (repeat, substitute, moderate, contradict, emphasize)
regulates interaction: how you are to behave and desired behavior of others (regulators- punctuate)
identifies others: identifiers
transmits emotional information: three kinds: attitudes about the other, attitude about the situation, attitude toward yourself (decode, encode) (elements)
establishes meaning: relationships develop
What are common identifiers? What are some examples of the ways we portray “attitudes”? (63-

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