For your final presentation, you will work in groups on a analysis of a commercial. You will use what you have learned in chapters 8-10 in your analysis. You will then find a creative and fun way to present your conclusions to the class. The format will be as follows:
I. Introduction: -
Introduce commercial ( perhaps reasons for choosing it or process leading up to choice) -
Screen commercial ( perhaps ask audience to focus or consider certain aspects) - Preview speech and present thesis
II. Body: - Choose six areas from chapters 8-10 to analyze the commercial.
( ex: culture in terms of identity, ethnocentric bias, transaction--BE SPECIFIC)
( ex: technology in terms of relations, social networks, cell phone application--BE SPECIFIC)
( ex: mass media in terms of active usage, enacting, gratification and usage-- BE SPECIFIC)
You will use 2 areas from each chapter!!!!!!!!!!!!!
III. Conclusion: - Summarize and review your speech.
- Screen commercial again to allow audience to apply your analysis
- Offer further study or direction for further analysis Remember: - Consider your audience when choosing a commercial!!!
- Work together as a team, each person must equally present and work on the project.
- Each person will show their work as an individual and within the group.
- The grade is 50/50 (individual and group)
- 20- 25 minutes in length!! ( no less!)
- Be clean and respectful and have fun!!!!
Rubric: 50 Presentation
- 25 individual ( physical elements, structure, and clarity)
- 25 group (cohesiveness, flow, and equality)
50 Research
- 25 individual ( demonstrates an area of focus and thorough application of concepts to the commercial)
- 25 group ( demonstrates contribution and teamwork) Your final paper will reflect your interactions within your group. Take good notes!!!!
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