Chapter 5*
Identity:history, roles, characteristics defined by our interactionsmulti- layered (private – self concept: core (121) / public)
How does self concept and identity compare ?
Do you think these are accurate assessments?
How much of your identity depends on the ways others perceive you? (p. 117- 118)*
Jahari Window:arena: open, blind: known to others, facade: hidden, unknown to allSelf disclosure: revealing info to make it known ( norm of reciprocity, p. 126)
How is the Jahari window dynamic? (p. 123)
How does self disclosure operate within the window? (p. 124)
What role does the norm of reciprocity play in self disclosure.*
self disclosure- identity= relationship context (dynamic process) (p. 125)*
dialectic tensions: autonomy vs. connectednessopenness vs. closednessnovelty vs. predictability*
What do these tensions look like in your relationships?
Which is more common to what kind of relationship (familial, intimate, friendly)*
Narrative: we tell about ourselves through stories ( memory/ history based)*
epistemology (how I think about the world...),
ontology (how I came to be...), individual construction, and relational process (127)
narratives, accounts, social reportsorigin- continuity (127-128)
loaded memory (biased) based on coherence and acceptability
labeling: identifying ourselves (Brandy or Mrs. Reincke, Ms. R) (129)
altercasting: language forces identies upon us that we must live up to..(129)
How does the form of narrative here differ from chapter 2?
Give an example of an epistemological narrative and/ or an ontological account?? (127)Relationships influence who we are to ourselves and others...*
Symbolic self: socially based and constructed self that exists primarily for the benefit of others...adapt your definition of yourself to that of societal frames (131)*
Symbolic interaction: how societal forces affect our image of one's self...we derive judgments and observations from our interactions
Attitude reflection: to think about how you appear in the eyes of others (131)
Cultural influence: we develop cultures within our relationships (132)
Performative self: “Doing your identity in front of others and well to “look good”” (135) influenced by social needs, social situation, social frame, and social circumstances.. (136)
front region: professional/ proper, back region: relaxed/ social cues (restaurant ex.) (136)Predicaments challenge the performative self
Teamwork: working together to maintain social face
Accountable self: identity being morally judged by others
Moral accountability: Society as a whole makes judgments about our actions
Do you agree with the statement: “Much of our identity is constantly constructed by our interactions.” Why or why not?? *
Summary selves: (140)*
reflective self: inner self reflected through behavior*
symbolic: self through the interactions we have*
performative: present social situation affect how we enact our identity*
practical: materiality affects identity*
accountable: social context and expectations affect behavior*
improvisational: ideology based behavior (rhetoric)
Which self do you think is the most authentic? Why?
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